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Bawdy Badges

Although they appear rather rude to modern minds these badges were important to medieval people as it was believed that wearing them would deter evil spirits. For more information on this type of badge please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website.

X9 - Phallus in a frying pan.
X9 - Phallus in a frying pan.
X9 - Phallus in a frying pan.

X9 - Phallus in a frying pan.

Although most medieval badges had a meaning of some sort, it is difficult to see this one as anything other than a bit of fun. The badge depicts a skillet or frying pan inside which sits a phallus – perhaps in place of the sausage that we may expect to find there! What’s more, the phallus is hinged, so it will jiggle up and down! The handle of the skillet is modelled in the form of a dragon’s head – a frequently used symbol of evil, perhaps indicating that there is a moralistic warning lurking in the badge. The original on which it is based was found in Bruges.

Late 15th – early 16th centuries.

70 x 20mm approx (including pendant badge).
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